Discover tips for creating financial safety when divorcing in New York. Get help from an experienced Manhattan divorce attorney below.
Finances are one of the most important considerations when divorcing in New york. Not only do you need to take the cost of getting a divorce into consideration, you also need to make sure that you will be okay financially as you begin living independently after dissolving your marriage.
Here are some tips for creating a financial safety net when getting a divorce, and how inexperienced New York divorce attorney can help you.
Plan Ahead Before Divorcing In New York
Even though you may be emotionally ready for a divorce, if you have been married a long time or you are the lesser-earning spouse, you may not be financially ready to live on your own. If possible, plan ahead to have a savings built up or a separate income stream before you move forward with the divorce.
Think about things like how much it will cost for childcare, transportation to and from work, and other expenses you will gain once you move out of the marital home and begin living on your own.
Open a Separate Checking Account
If you don’t already have your own personal checking account, now is the time to make one. You should have an account with a debit card and checkbook that is in your name only before getting a divorce. Depending on your circumstances, you may even want to have this set up before you tell your spouse that you want to get a divorce. If possible, you should begin to save money and put it in this account as you prepare to file for the dissolution of your marriage.
Sharpen Your Resume
If you rely on your spouse for income, this may be one of the biggest changes you will face when dissolving your marriage. You will need to establish your own career that is capable of financially supporting you and any children you may have had with your spouse. Job searches can take a long time, especially if you are reentering the workforce after a substantial amount of time spent pursuing other interests. Consider updating your resume now and looking for work before you file for a divorce in New York.
Don’t Rely On Alimony & Child Support
While alimony and child support can be extraordinarily helpful during and after a divorce, it’s important to understand that these types of financial relief are designed to be temporary, particularly in the case of spousal support. When evaluating how you will be able to make ends meet living on your own after the divorce, don’t rely heavily on alimony or child support to provide for your family financially. You should have a larger source of income that is separate from court ordered support.
Contact Veteran Manhattan Divorce Lawyer Heidi Opinsky
One of the best assets you can have in a divorce is an experienced family lawyer. Heidi Opinsky is a seasoned Connecticut and New York family law attorney who can provide you with zealous legal representation throughout all stages of your divorce. Call now for a consultation or to book an appointment by dialing 203-653-3542.