Heidi E. Opinsky

The Law Offices of Heidi E. Opinsky, LLC

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How Can a Family Lawyer Help Me in NY? │ Heidi Opinsky Law

Whether You Need Help with a Divorce Case or a Child Custody Case, a Qualified Family Lawyer Can Help

Hundreds of thousands of family court cases are filed every year. Statistics reveal that over 260,000 new family court cases are filed annually in New York alone. (1) If you are in a legal situation that requires you to go to family court, your best course of action is to get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible.

A family lawyer who specializes in cases involving domestic issues can provide the legal assistance you need so you receive proper support throughout the process. If you try and handle the legal situation on your own, it is likely that you will end up making serious mistakes that will be hard to undo later on down the road.

The cases that go to family court are very sensitive and personal, and you can lose a lot by making small mistakes in your paperwork. The best way to avoid these preventable errors is by getting in touch with a qualified lawyer and acting on the advice they provide.

A family lawyer can help you with a variety of different cases. 

Let’s take a look at some of the top areas a family lawyer can help you with:


When you decide to go through a divorce, you legally end your marriage. Divorce cases must be processed through the Supreme Court, and there are a lot of sensitive matters that have to be considered during the process. An attorney can guide you on the right paperwork to file and they can make sure your voice is heard and you walk away with your fair share of assets.

Child Custody

Fair determination of child custody is one of the most important aspects that need to be finalized during a divorce. The parent with custody is responsible for making important decisions for their children, and they are also responsible for taking care of them physically. If one of the parents is not mentally fit to be with the children, or they are abusive then this needs to be proven in court to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children.

Child and Spousal Support

The noncustodial parent is responsible for providing support payments to the custodial parent. Child support is mandatory, but spousal support is granted in some cases and conditionally. By speaking to a lawyer, you can ensure you are getting the right amount of support and that it is given regularly.

Child Visitation

If the noncustodial parent is not a threat to the children, they will be given visitation rights that can be legally enforced until the child turns 18 years old. A lawyer can help ensure the best interests of your children are considered.


The biological father has many responsibilities they must fulfill towards their children, and if they are failing to do this paternity can be proven, and legal action is taken to hold them to account. If you need legal help establishing paternity so fair child support payments can be enforced, a family lawyer can also help.

A family lawyer can help you with the above cases, and anything else that may involve family law.

Will My Case Go to Supreme Court or Family Court in NY?

Supreme Court and Family Court are the two different court systems in New York that handle family law cases. Supreme Court is for cases involving divorce, annulment, and separation. They may also deal with matters involving child support and custody.

Family court, on the other hand, is for modifying and enforcing child support and custody orders, as well as granting protection for children and establishing paternity.

Reach Out to a Family Lawyer in NY Today to Get Help with Your Case

Family law cases are highly personal and sensitive and need to be taken seriously to ensure no one is taken advantage of. Whether you need help with an annulment, with child custody, or with paternity, an experienced family lawyer can provide you with the legal support you need.

Speak with family lawyer, Heidi Opinsky, at the Law Offices of Heidi Opinsky, LLC, today to get assistance with your family law case.

Visit our website to send us a message or call 203-653-3542 now and we will get back to you as soon as possible


  1. https://ww2.nycourts.gov/sites/default/files/document/files/2018-09/17_UCS-Annual_Report.pdf